Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cardstock, embellishments, and stamps! Oh, my!

I finally started my hobby jobby at Down Memory Lane. It feels as though I have been waiting months to begin (actually I think it probable was). While I waited, my feeling of nervousness grew, nightmares of paper companies persisted, and worries presented themselves.

I was nervous about working in retail again—it has been way more years than I care to mention since I was in the fast paced world of would you like paper or plastic? (now I think you have to ask would you like to pay for that with paper of plastic) Oh, how things change. Would I even remember how to make change?

I feared that I did not know enough about the world of paper crafting—there are so many companies out there and I just know a handful of them—there are so many rules that I just don’t follow—I am not a scrapbooker (that’s denial) and I am not by any means a stamper, yet—I have so much to learn, how can I even begin to answer someone’s question about anything. Those fears became the things I thought about at night when I could get to sleep (maybe if I would have just stopped thinking about Fiskars, Heidi Grace, Basic Gray ((btw I love the Wassail Line)), Cosmo Cricket, ect. ect. I could have gotten some sleep)

I was worried that maybe this isn’t the right thing for my family. I would never see my husband, rarely see the boy, and poor little Moon does not remember ever being without her mum. I worried about how I was going to handle working all week and the weekend too. I worried about how my house was going to look after being gone all day. I worried about driving at night, what to wear, where to park, how was I going to catch on and remember everything. I worried. I worried.

Today, after one day of work under my belt, I can say—It doesn't worry me . NO WORRIES. No fears. Not even a bit of nervousness. I fell in love with the job straight away. I woke up both Sunday and Monday mornings wishing I could go to work at the store so I could learn more, practice what I learned, and help other craft minded souls. I wish I did not love my “real” job so much, that way I could be surrounded in cardstock, embellishments and stamps full time.

My head is spinning and swirling with so many ideas (I’m having a hard time getting them out right now because there are so many ideas and way to little time and I just don’t know where to begin). I’m reading everything about all the stuff I think I don’t know about. I’m trying to come up with reasons I have to stop in just so I can be in the store. I’m, I’m maybe I’m OC??? Or maybe I just found something that is the perfect fit.

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