Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pipe Cleaners and Wiggly Eyes

I am a saver, a pack rat, a hoarder, and a collector of tidbits do-dads, and bobbles of all types. I think remnants of a past life, a lifetime lived during vary sparse times, must have carried over this must-save-everything-you-never-know-when-you’ll needed-it mentality.

So if I never throw anything away, why is it I can never find what I want, when I need it? I know it has to do with my organizational skills—I really do have these skills, I just use a system that most everyone in the world would never understand. I have friends who are queens of organization. I have discovered that just by hanging out with them, their abilities do not merely rub of on me. I love organization—I need organization—and from time to time I actually do have it and everything is right in the world. I love the look of jars, bins, slots, and order. I get a dreamy look in my eyes ever time I receive e-mail from Ikea. I have baskets and drawers and this and that—but then why does everything always end up in this pile or that pile or that bag over there underneath that stuff there? Why is it so hard for me to maintain?

Is it my scattered personality that has me running in five different directions all at the same time? Is it because I’m normally finishing a project at the last minute? Is it because I really don’t have a space of my own to keep my creative process? Do I thrive on chaos? Is it that the people in my day-to-day life do not find putting things back in their place a priority? Are the little people in my life that I feel I have to stow things away from to blame for the piles that live in my computer/reading/crafting/catch all room?

Do I really want to know the answers to the above questions? Is this blog simply a cry for help? The answer is this, I don’t know, but I really wish I could find those pipe cleaners and wiggly eyes.